Training level comparison

The most common question we are asked is “what are the differences between the levels of dogs you sale?” When looking into acquiring a personal protection dog (PPD), we first ask you to identify – ”What do you need and what do you want?” These can sometimes be two very different lists for families. Are you a low-risk family to a threat or are you an individual that may be at high risk? Please understand when looking into our protection dogs that every level of dog will include the highest level off-leash obedience, have a minimum of 12-18 months of training and have exceptional temperaments you will not find anywhere else. Remember, we are one of the very few PPD businesses in the entire country that breed, raise, and train our very own dogs. Our price points vary based on the dog’s protection capabilities and the time invested. Let us help you narrow down the best options for you and your family.

Level 1 – Deterrent Dog $25,000 – $35,000

What is a Deterrent Dog? Throughout the past 10 years, we have personally conducted several experiments utilizing Golden Retrievers, Labradors, Malinois, and German Shepherds. The experiments consisted of using a middle-aged, athletically built woman to individually walk each of the four breeds listed in semi-populated areas (parks, shopping centers, etc.). During these experiments, within a 15-20 minute timeframe, the woman was almost always approached by at least one male figure while she had either the Golden Retriever or Labrador. Most of the men kindly asked if they were able to pet the dog and engaged in a conversation with the woman. When the woman was walking the Malinois or Shepherd the most interaction she had from anyone was people just simply complimenting her on how well-trained the dog was as she walked by. Not once did anyone approach the woman or come within her space when the Malinois or Shepherd was present. This is a simple understanding of how our dogs are labeled as deterrents just by themselves. Now add an alert/bark command to the Malinois or Shepherd in those situations if the woman is feeling harassed or threatened and now the dog brings an entirely new level of intimidation. Our Level 1 dogs are a popular option for families or individuals that are looking for a completely off-leashed trained companion, with outstanding temperaments, but might not need a dog that is trained to bite.

What is Included with a Level 1 Dog?

  • Dog has had a minimum of 12 months of training
  • Completely Off-Leash Trained
  • Alert on Command
  • All Necessary Training Equipment (Leash, Custom Collar, Bed)
  • Facility Transition – A one-day training process taking place at either of our locations to properly teach you and your family while you take delivery of your new dog. *** In-Home Delivery / Transition is available at an additional cost ***

Level 2 – Protection Dog $45,000 – $55,000

What defines a Protection Dog? Or what the greater question needs to be, “What SHOULD define a Protection Dog?” A dog that carries an exceptional disposition, is great with all ages of people, can easily be around other dogs, have a great off switch in a home, is calm and stable in public situations, and most importantly, will “bite for real”. This is how we define our Protection dogs.

What does it mean when we say “bite for real”? A PPD is required to do the obvious, protect should a situation arise. However, the scary truth is very few PPDs out there being sold today will actually respond to a threat without a bite suit or a training sleeve involved. These are dogs that are heavily reliant upon training equipment and will not respond unless these items are present. The reliability you’ve hoped to have in your PPD investment is non-existent with a dog like this. Our unique training methods and hundreds of hours invested into each dog ensure your reliability in a High Caliber Protection Dog. Our dogs are evaluated and selected for each level during the first 4 months of their life and trained to have the capabilities a true PPD should carry.

Our Level 2 protection dogs are the most popular option for families. You get all of the great benefits of our deterrent dogs but with an extensive level of protection training as well.

What’s Included with a Level 2 Dog?

  • Dog has had a minimum of 12 – 18 months of training
  • Completely Off-Leash Trained
  • Alert on Command to Active Threats
  • Bite on Command with Active Threats
  • Level 2 Scenario Training (deterring threats, home invasion, carjacking)
  • All Necessary Training Equipment (Leash, Custom Collar, Bed)
  • In-Home Delivery – A two-day delivery process in your home. Your dog will be hand delivered by both Chad & David. Your entire family will be educated and shown how to manage and maintain your new dog ($8,000 value)

Level 3 – Elite Protection Dog $65,000 – $100,000

Our Level 3 Protection dogs have the highest level of training of any dog we offer. These dogs are, without a doubt, the most elite PPDs in the country. There is zero comparison with any other company offering PPDs. We sell several Level 3 dogs each year, however, each one is unique to its household. Level 3 dogs are custom tailored to each family based on lifestyle and necessities. In other words, many families acquiring these dogs may need them to perform many specific tasks not found in a Level 2 dog. We recommend our Level 3 dogs to any potential buyer that may be considered a “high-risk” prospect or that just flat-out wants the highest level of security offered. If you are looking for the absolute best and a PPD that is completely customized to you and your family, look no further.

What’s Included with a Level 3 Dog?

  • Dog has had a minimum of 18 – 24 months of training
  • Completely Off-Leash Trained
  • Alert on Command to Active or Passive Threats
  • Bite on Command with Active or Passive Threats
  • Level 3 Scenario Training (deterring threats, home invasion, carjacking, multiple attackers)
  • Additional options include: Property/perimeter searches, home searches (suspected break-in), child kidnapping, bark and hold on suspect, etc.
  • All Necessary Training Equipment (Leash, Custom Collar, Bed)
  • In-Home Delivery – A two-day delivery process in your home. Your dog will be hand delivered by both Chad & David. Your entire family will be educated and shown how to manage and maintain your new dog ($8,000 value)